Dear IFI friends,
We could not stand to publish today(!) our brand-new IFI Icestocksport News “iFi News – Edition One“!
Our newly born communication media will appear 4 times/year online and 1 time/year in print. The primordial line to follow will be the promotion of our beloved Icestocksport throughout the whole world, focusing mainly on our youth!
As you will see very soon, we offer in this first version more than 50 pages full of power-content! Several members and friends of IFI have made this issue possible by contributing with cool and informativ texts and images, making this Edition One possible in a very short period of time. Thank you very much Silke Bernardi, Manuela Hallhuber, Max Moritz, Albert Kamhuber, Udo Reichenecker, Christian Lindner, Franz Taucher, Matthias Winkler, Beate Purucker, Michael Brantner, Adolf Bertollini and Rupert Zuschnig!
We are very happy to provide this first “iFi News” here for direct download: iFi News 01 – ENGLISH 20.05.2020 (PDF Format, ca 6 MB)
We hope you enjoy reading!
Your IFI.
Be cool, play Icestock!