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Cancellation European Cups 2020 (men and women)

Dear members of the Icestocksport family,

All those who have kept an eye on the news during the last days, could see the dark clouds coming. On Wednesday evening the official announcement was published: German Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel and the Prime Ministers of the German Federal States have agreed upon a further Lockdown for Germany, coming into force on 2 November 2020, because of the severely rising infection numbers and the negative Corona trends. This has direct impact on our sport, as we have to postpone the European Cups of women (20.-21.11.2020) und men (27.-29.11.2020). We have to fight to keep our sport alive and we will try to play these two competitions in January 2021. We will keep an eye on the further development and we really hope that both European Cups can be held then. We will keep you in the loop. For now, we strongly hope that the whole situation will improve and we all will be able to celebrate Christmas together with our families. Stay healthy! Kind regards,

Christian Lindner

IFI President

Buchloe, October 31st 2020

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